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Starting from scratch on Instagram in 2024: Your Ultimate Guide to Building a Profitable Presence

Key Takeaways:

  • Starting from scratch on Instagram in 2024 is entirely doable, even with zero followers.
  • Building your Instagram presence is about engaging with the right communities and using strategic posting.
  • Tapping into niche audiences and micro-communities can be more profitable than going viral.
  • Leverage Instagram Stories as a sales funnel to capture attention and build engagement.


Instagram is one of the world’s most powerful platforms for building a brand and generating income. With over 2 billion active users, it’s a place where you can reach a massive audience—even if you’re just starting from scratch. But if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the sheer scale of it all, don’t worry. In this guide, I’ll share actionable steps you can take to start an Instagram account from scratch and quickly build it into a money-making machine.

If you’re someone over 40 looking to tap into Instagram’s potential to make money online, you’re in the right place. And if you’re starting from zero, don’t stress—I’m documenting my journey, too. This guide will take you through steps that have helped me grow my account quickly, including some less commonly discussed strategies that can set you apart.

Here’s a quick video breakdown for a more visual step-by-step approach.

Step 1: Tap into Instagram’s Built-in Communities

The first step to starting an Instagram account from scratch is to find and engage with existing communities. Many people make the mistake of focusing solely on their posts. However, Instagram is packed with micro-communities that you can connect with right away.

starting from scratch on Instagram

Why is this important? Instagram’s algorithm favors engagement, meaning the more you engage with others, the more visible your profile becomes. Start by following niche-specific hashtags or popular accounts within your target audience. Participate in discussions, reply to comments, and build relationships.

Pro Tip: Avoid jumping into large accounts with millions of followers. Instead, focus on smaller, niche accounts where your comments and interactions will be noticed. Becoming part of these communities instantly exposes you to potential followers who are already interested in what you have to say.

Step 2: Craft a Bio That Sells and Stands Out

Your Instagram bio is one of the most critical parts of your profile. You only have 150 characters to make an impression, so make each one count! Most people focus on introducing themselves, but here’s a twist—use a call-to-action that grabs attention and invites people to learn more.

Instead of the classic “I help XYZ achieve ABC,” consider writing something action-oriented like, “Want to [solve a problem]? Click here to learn more.” This approach immediately resonates with people looking to solve that problem.

Pro Tip: Break up your bio with emojis to make it more readable. Studies show that profiles with a clear call-to-action increase link clicks by 70% or more. Don’t forget to add a link to your website or a landing page to capture email addresses or promote a specific product.

Step 3: Post Less, Engage More—The 80/20 Rule

Here’s a surprising tip: you don’t need to post daily to grow your Instagram. In fact, focusing on engagement over posting can help you grow faster. Instead of stressing about posting every day, dedicate 80% of your time to engaging with others—commenting, replying to DMs, and joining conversations. Instagram rewards this type of active participation.

When you do post, spend the next 30 minutes engaging with people who follow similar hashtags or are part of your niche. This strategy will signal to Instagram that your account is active and worth showing to others.

Quick Story: I initially posted every day and barely saw any growth. But when I shifted to engaging more, I started building a community of loyal followers faster than I ever expected.

Step 4: Optimize for Instagram’s Search Feature

Instagram has evolved into a search engine in its own right. This means people use it to find specific content and not just usernames. By optimizing your profile and posts with relevant keywords, you increase your chances of appearing in search results.

For example, if your focus is on online business tips for Gen X, make sure to include keywords like “business tips for Gen X” or “online business advice” in your bio and captions. Using hashtags with these keywords can also help attract the right audience.

Pro Tip: Do a quick search in Instagram’s explore section to see which hashtags and keywords are popular within your niche. Tailor your posts and captions accordingly.

Step 5: Focus on Going Niche Instead of Viral

You don’t need to go viral to make money on Instagram. In fact, focusing on niche audiences or even local communities can be more effective for your business. Think of it this way: reaching 500 people who are genuinely interested in your offers is more valuable than 50,000 random views.

When building your Instagram account from scratch, start small and focus on attracting niche-specific or local followers. This allows you to build a community that’s more likely to convert into paying customers.

Did you know? Micro-influencers, those with fewer than 10,000 followers, often have higher engagement rates than accounts with millions of followers. This is because their audiences are more invested and connected.

Step 6: Use the 9-Grid Content Strategy

To make a strong impression right off the bat, plan a 9-grid content strategy to introduce your brand story. When someone visits your profile, those first nine posts will give them an immediate sense of what you offer and the type of content they can expect.

Each post should offer value—whether it’s tips, how-tos, or insights into your brand. This creates a cohesive and appealing feed that increases the chances of people hitting that follow button.

Pro Tip: Plan these initial posts to showcase your expertise, products, and what sets you apart. This visual branding can help you build trust quickly with new visitors.

Step 7: Use Instagram Stories as Your Sales Funnel

Instagram Stories are more than just a way to share daily updates. They’re a fantastic tool for creating a sales funnel. Use Stories to share behind-the-scenes content, showcase testimonials, or promote a special offer. By providing a link or encouraging viewers to swipe up, you can guide them directly to your website or landing page.

Over 500 million people watch Stories every day, and they’re often more engaged with Stories than regular posts. Keeping Stories active on your profile ensures that your account remains visible to your followers, driving even more traffic to your offers.

Actionable Tip: Create a sequence of Stories that guide viewers through an action, like signing up for a free guide or using a promo code. This type of interactive content keeps them engaged and helps you capture leads.


Starting an Instagram account from scratch in 2024 is all about working smarter, not harder. By focusing on engagement, joining existing communities, and leveraging Instagram’s features, you can build a profitable account with a dedicated following. Whether you’re looking to grow a side hustle or scale a business, these steps can help you make Instagram a powerful tool in your online strategy.

Ready to dive in? Check out the video above for more in-depth guidance and let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How often should I post on Instagram when I’m just starting out?

Quality matters more than quantity. Instead of posting daily, start with a few solid posts that showcase your brand and value. Spend more time engaging with others and building relationships in your niche. Posting 2-3 times per week is a good starting point, especially if you’re focusing on content that provides value to your audience.

Do I need to use hashtags, and how many should I include in my posts?

Yes, hashtags are essential for reaching new people. Use relevant hashtags that describe your content and target audience. A good range is 5-10 focused hashtags per post. Using highly popular hashtags can help, but incorporating niche-specific ones will attract more engaged followers who are interested in what you offer.

How long does it take to grow an Instagram account from scratch?

t depends on several factors, including your content, engagement, and consistency. Most accounts start seeing steady growth within 3-6 months if they are actively engaging and posting valuable content. Focus on building a solid foundation rather than expecting instant results.

Can I make money on Instagram if I don’t have a lot of followers?

Absolutely! Many people with small but engaged followings earn money on Instagram. Start by offering something valuable to your audience, like a digital product, service, or even affiliate products. Building relationships in the DMs and providing useful resources can help you convert followers into customers, even with a smaller audience.

Should I use Instagram Stories, even if I don’t have many followers yet?

Yes! Instagram Stories are an excellent way to engage with your audience. They keep your profile active and visible. Plus, Stories can be used as a sales funnel, guiding viewers directly to your offers. Even if you have a small following, start using Stories regularly to build engagement and drive traffic to your profile.

What’s the best way to increase engagement on my Instagram posts?

Engaging with others is key! Respond to comments on your own posts, and go comment on other posts in your niche. Meaningful comments (more than just a few words) are more likely to get noticed. You can also ask questions in your captions or create polls in Stories to encourage interaction with your audience.

Should I invest in Instagram ads to grow my account when starting out?

Share content that highlights your expertise and provides value. For example, if you’re targeting people over 40 who want to make money online, create posts around tips, resources, and step-by-step guides. Mix it up with posts that showcase your personality and story, too—people connect with authenticity, so show the human side of your brand.

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